Wednesday, January 22, 2025

They came up out of the dead woods with no notion of where to go next. I'm your huckleberry, shouted. I'm never knowing what that means, said another. They loped their ponies along the roadway. Maybe we'll come upon something which presents a choice, one decided. We can't just keep on down this road. The audience will switch channels. Was that a shot? No. Why not? A sound doesn't have to explain it self to you. It can't just remain silent and still be a sound. The silent one spurred j his Mount forward. Where's he going? Maybe he heard something. You mean, like a sound? That there one spurred his Mount and was gone. Three lonesome riders , strewn along a road. They never found one another, and nobody ever saw any them evermore. But what was that sound?

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

It is a matter of some confusion to scientists how an ancient lighthouse will in times of disuse begin to resemble a 1950s milk bottle.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

This is another test of the Emergency Bowden Briadcast Network (KFYN) in which my involuntary subscribers aren't expected to respond which will mean they will be removed from the rolls of KFYN which will delight them immeasurably. You have one entire day (24 hrs from 12:30 PST) after which you will have forever not to respond to spectral solicitations. Go back and read this paragraph again.

Firers, watch your lanes!