The delay in the image downloading; that came first. It was much later than today, and it was explained one of the legs had kicked out.
The legs were four and they propped the target so the visualizer could reach four dimensions. A hologram, shot from the inside, but a leg fell, so the image didn't load.
The rest of the gallery just waited, and then I grew impatient and zoomed off. There are plenty of galleries and they stream so fast.
The image from the set left standing had someone holding something. What was it? I am trying to maintain my balance here.
I ask Lady Kale, did you see that one? Someone holding something delicately, like a recovered kitten? No, she said. Just French Onion Soup and chiffon settings.
We can choose, I say. What we watch on the scanner is up to us. And there is more to choose from than was available to the world for any century before. And we're in control.
But I'm alone again. I say this out loud, but I'm talking to me.
I try and think if I am truly sustained. We use that word a lot. The ice is full of penguins and you have to remember where you left your hat.
I say that. I have lots of sayings. It's okay, because most everyone says the same slogans. We don't remember where we heard them.
I take time for thinking. Was I like this always? Is it okay being me? I try and remember how I was.
It's a unique experience, the scanner. It's made to order, your own history and preferences, made to order. They know me better than I know myself.
Ordering is easy. A point, a punch, and it arrives in your in-box, or to your door.
I already know how to hold it when it arrives, though I'm not sure what it's for. (It's okay, says Marly, always. I don't know what I'm for. Marly has a laugh like a kitten trilling the high keys.)
I know how I'll hold it, though, when it arrives. Like a lost kitten I've just found.
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